we can burn
brighter than the sun

hello, wherever you are


Mostly, I am Violet.
Sometimes, I float around aimlessly and pretend to be weird.
Then I realise that's still being Violet, and human.
So Hi there, I'm Violet, a Human. Nice to meet you *friendly handshake*

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· 002. Hippopotamus
· 001. Rabbit

003. The Grinch
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 | Posted by Violet| 0 comment/s
Okay first i must insist that the Grinch is a fricking animal. Yes it may be green like a vegetable and a little strange, but i dont care, it's an animal all right. :D

So Christmas! What's up? ( i say in a Mocking Sharan Manner)? I dont really know. Maybe cause 1) I'm not Christian and 2) My family is small and 3) My mum is overseas.

Yeah so Christmas this year was rather uneventful compared to the one i celebrated in Vietnam last year. Went to Jacky's house to watch dramas and admire her very big and beautiful house, invade her iTunes and uh, be afraid of her mother :D Heh nothing much lah but it was fun and all so thank you jacky!! :D

Heh after which papa picked me up and we went to swensens to eat. Rawr wanted to go to the Plaza Sing one but road was closed and all and there were so many people at that place to watch a ridiculous "Grand Christmas Concert". So we went to the one at United Sq instead (aft seeking help from jacky to check the swensens outlets) Dinner was delicious although I had a slipper fight with Papa under the table, and lost 7-4 to my papa in the retarded jikopah (however you spell it). Ahma decided to be a rebel and ate alone at home so we had some good bonding time together with alot of retarded humour. :D

I think I need to go and watch fei tian xi shi (aka To Grow With Love) now even though i've already missed a good 2/3 of it. Merry Christmas! :D

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