we can burn
brighter than the sun

hello, wherever you are


Mostly, I am Violet.
Sometimes, I float around aimlessly and pretend to be weird.
Then I realise that's still being Violet, and human.
So Hi there, I'm Violet, a Human. Nice to meet you *friendly handshake*

013. Hello Kitty
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 | Posted by Violet| 0 comment/s
Hello Kitty reminds me of Friends Forever. Which is total shit.
So much for all that crap.
very grouchy today. early in the morning after math before geography. (Besides being disgusted at people who do things for leadership points/position/portfolio) Also found out that friends are people who tell you they "can't stand some things that people do" then later become best of friends with those people, and then dont notice your absence, and dont bother, at all.

it's amazing, these friends. just, amaaaaazing.
and it's not like i didnt try to not be so sensitive (as claimed). if i was any more sensitive than i currently am, i would have broke down ages before today.

On other matters, I love the yomazings for being who they are and making people happy what they do best. The thing about real friends is that when you feel that you've done something wrong to them, you will actually realize and feel bad, and try to do something to change the situation. Oh, and most of all, you will never bear to leave them out.

and this mini font is a trick because i dont have much content here just that there's this mentality that SMALL FONT = EMO/SECRETIVE STUFF WHICH PEOPLE WANT OTHERS TO READ but i dont blog for attention seeking - so there.

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