we can burn
brighter than the sun

hello, wherever you are


Mostly, I am Violet.
Sometimes, I float around aimlessly and pretend to be weird.
Then I realise that's still being Violet, and human.
So Hi there, I'm Violet, a Human. Nice to meet you *friendly handshake*

005. Stitch
Friday, January 4, 2008 | Posted by Violet| 0 comment/s
"I'm...I'm...lost. I'm lost." - says my waterbottle who has left me for good. Yeah, it's pre-mature departure upsets me very much, and I have yet to completely get over the loss. Sometimes, I dream of it when I am sleeping and see it floating around my head saying, "Violet lee, you lost me. You lost me!!" (okay no, i dont actually have such strange dreams - eh, hold that thought - but that would actually be rather disturbing. Nightmare-ish probably)

Anyway, all my unhappy feelings have vanished along with the NEW NIKE WATERBOTTLE, proudly sponsored by an extremely generous lingmin<3! (haha though i did manage to convince Shaowei, Elainelau & Joellyn to get one for me prior to today) It mayn't be exactly the same as Mr Pink but this one is extremely pretty and I like it very much. -hugs waterbottle protectively and wont leave it anywhere- I shall post waterbottle photo soon. lovely :D i think i will give it a name and a nickname and a surname and like totally make sure it stays with me for as long as i can possibly imagine. I LOVE WATERBOTTLE NO MORE DEHYDRATION.

Last night, Laura and I spent the night at rachelmiao's house where we had A LOT OF FUN. Of the many hilarious moments we shared, we watched lauragan play neopets (HALF PRICED DAY), took photos (and failedbad) using photobooth, took videos mocking jeanhui's impersonation of weishan, made a video for jeanhui and talked alot alot alot about om and psb. oh, both om and psb turned out amazing today, save for an extremely annoying, want-to-slap-your-face moment in the hall. That wasn't a problem for very long, as reshmi and i started talking nonsense and then we cheered OH YEAH like idiots. HAHA WE CHEERED LIKE THIS: "OH...OH...OH. YEAH...YEAH...YEAH" SUPER LOUDLY AND AUDIBLY AND LIKE USED DEEP VOICES AHAHA.

Oh and yitong and i were really enthu this morning in the netball courts we were running around and saying things like, "WE MUST BE THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION/ATTRACTION." or "WE ARE THE MOST ENTHU OF ALL. GO AWAY WE ARE THE MOST ENTHU." or "LETS ME UN-HIGH FOR 1HR TODAY. eh no, 45MINS, aiyah 30 mins. OKAY FORGET IT." haha i remember us dancing around the few classes at the back skipping back and forth while cheering, go raffles go raffles go (turns around) bring them down bring them down.

haha and OM today was great. Hope everything else turns out fine and we will win and be awesome and throw broccoli on each others' heads and faces and eat mushrooms :D

Oh and rachelmiao has gotten me addicted on cranberries i shall start on my new pack veryverysoon.

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