we can burn
brighter than the sun

hello, wherever you are


Mostly, I am Violet.
Sometimes, I float around aimlessly and pretend to be weird.
Then I realise that's still being Violet, and human.
So Hi there, I'm Violet, a Human. Nice to meet you *friendly handshake*

Saturday, July 17, 2010 | Posted by Violet| 0 comment/s
I think sometimes I need to reconcile with myself the fact that maybe, just maybe, I'm not as good or as great as everyone makes myself out to be.
Maybe all my successes so far aren't really successes.
Can success be defined by grades?
Can success be defined by anything actually?
Do I find those people with all the money in the world and all the power in the world successful?

What I really need to focus on:
I don't know what I am. But I guess I can say that I have been growing more mature in terms of many things. To see things I don't usually see, to put things in the perspective, to think beyond my little sphere, to understand people without judging them - all these have taken me 18 years. 18 long years. And I really hope that when the time comes and I turn 18, I wouldn't be where I was 1 year ago in terms of my attitude and thoughts and feelings.
Maybe it's really time for me to grow up just that teeny weeny bit.
Maybe it's time for me to back up and deal with things not going my way.

Because in the end, I just need to believe that I will be great.

On other things,
I probably need to learn to be more selfish and more selfless.
Being selfish isn't always something bad, contrary to Aesop's fables, morals of various stories and perhaps everybody I know.
Sometimes being selfish is caring about yourself and putting yourself first when you ought to, because self-worth is always the most important.

i like reading books about life.
i love the story of how people were originally joined together, men and women, with 2 heads, 4 legs, 4 hands and everything. i can't really imagine what this mythical creature actually looks like, but the focus is that god decided to split them apart for fear they were becoming too strong and too powerful.
everybody will find their other half. i just hope i don't have to try piecing myself over and over cause once you've formed that attachment, it's really really hard to tear yourself away.

kari-shma:    (by ange de l’amour)