we can burn
brighter than the sun

hello, wherever you are


Mostly, I am Violet.
Sometimes, I float around aimlessly and pretend to be weird.
Then I realise that's still being Violet, and human.
So Hi there, I'm Violet, a Human. Nice to meet you *friendly handshake*

the Comeback post
Friday, April 12, 2013 | Posted by Violet| 0 comment/s
I decided to blog again, because I have been wanting to for the longest time after my breakdown. I figured that my command of the English language has been in absolute shambles and I have been stumped, so many times, because I couldn't find the right words to say, or the appropriate expressions to convey myself. Having had enough of this, I established that my vocabulary used to be a lot broader when I blogged because I had infinitely more opportunities to expound on my thoughts in beautiful, flowery language which I so love and appreciate.

But who likes things they are unable to comprehend?

Well, apart from love, of course. But I would say Romance - and all the quirky, inextricable emotions that it stirs - sits in a category of its own anomalies. 

I am doing this despite having 2 half-written essays, one of which requires a good word trimming (in spite of my commendable efforts at being concise and omitting irrelevant points) and another of which is rather in shambles because apart from the main bulk of which has been written, I have no idea how to tie it all together. Not to mention I have already busted the word count, and am unsure as to whether the content "answers the question". *wails*

As I sit before the computer at a desk that does not belong to me, I am not sure whether or not to go into a full-scale panic attack yet. Possibly because I am headed for Amsterdam tomorrow, and so I illogically feel that I am entitled to some laziness before I jet off to ... more laziness. I confuse myself.

Way too much sometimes. Some nights I lay in bed, totally exhausted, yet wide awake at the same time. I engage in all these mental debates and wander in my fantasies, only to realise none of that is going to happen if I do not sleep now and wake up at 3pm the following day. Tough life much.

I absolutely abhor this blog layout now. I mean, I like the white, and I appreciate the simplicity of the template, but I am irrevocably loathing of the hideous, overly-edited photo + photo choice, the irregularity of the font size and font (with no logic behind it apart from laziness - it strikes Violet again!), the slightly-too-small main content box and the two dashes I have chosen to conveniently replace whatever was there to begin with. Better not dwell too much on it before I embark on a full-blown HTML tutorial and photoshop myself some blog headers - Unnecessary, Violet, and you have no time for such indulgences.

For now, this resurgence will have to settle as sufficient comfort time-whiling. And the fact that my "Profile" name is still ILOVEPRAWNS is amusing to say the least.

Till I return from tulips, pancakes (!!!), cheese and stroopwafels then!