we can burn
brighter than the sun

hello, wherever you are


Mostly, I am Violet.
Sometimes, I float around aimlessly and pretend to be weird.
Then I realise that's still being Violet, and human.
So Hi there, I'm Violet, a Human. Nice to meet you *friendly handshake*

Tuesday, April 30, 2013 | Posted by Violet| 0 comment/s
Decided to blog today at the gym because it's the very first time I'm here so early and it's great! The entire gym is really empty and I hate to confess this but I took the liberty of claiming an unsuspecting, lonesome towel on the bench as my own. The towels here are top quality in that they have very high absorbencies, and insofar as it is slightly disgusting to use a communal towel that I have seen people throw on the floor as a rag, I'll probably go home and give it another wash so it smells like flowers and is CLEAN with minimal germs. And to be fair, I actually paid for towel hire, which comes for FREE in my lovely sunny Singapore! Can't wait to go back to Fusionopolis and hit the FF there! Really appreciate how posh the place is and how they make an extra effort to keep the gym spick and span! They also provide infinitely more space, machines and CLASSES. I've been hitting every possible Combat class at Oxford Circus but there's only three a week and each class is 45 minutes long instead of the typical 45 minutes. Apparently, this is due to the labour rights or some regulation like that which means instructors need to be paid more if they do classes longer than 45 minutes. Which I don't really understand because FF ought to just do it since the class IS SUPPOSED TO BE 1 hour long! How can they say they offer Les Mills if it is some half-past-six incomplete session?! Aiyoyo! To make up for this though, they do have spectacular instructors whom I've grown to befriend! I think the smaller class size really works in this case (Evidence for smaller class tutorials being more effective, even in the gym!) because you get to know the instructors personally and that makes the class a whole lot more enjoyable and productive and fun for both instructor and participant! Now that I've gotten to know Adriana, I make it a point to please her soul by going KIAAAA! as loudly as possible when she calls for it, and my unabashed enthusiasm and participation is also going around the room as others start to loosen their rigid, office-bound selves and join in the craziness. Marife on Wednesday is beautiful and she has the most solid set of abs I've ever seen on a lady!!! Holy shit it's slightly disturbing but I really want to touch those abs haha I've never touched a real, defined set of abs before! The guys I know haven't got great bodies and I won't consider any of them particularly hot. Sian. Why no eye candy amongst my friends!!! So sad my eyes yearn for more! Haha and Ben I haven't seen in ages but last I checked he said he is fat (?!?!) and he eats far too much junk to have abs anyway. SADX2. Not like I've a rocking hot body myself, in fact, 93 million miles bloody far away from it, but it's still nice to have some abs to lie on HAHAHAHAHA. Fantasy about Ben and I in some nice beach resort and I suddenly have super skinny legs and we stroll along the beach of Maldives or something and there's no one else there. The waters are crystal clear and sparkling under the gentle rays of the Sun, the sky is azure and the clouds are fluffy and telling stories with their ever-changing shoes and forms. Most importantly, we must have BREEZE. I need that light cooling zephyr to caress my skin and put the smile to my face. Otherwise it's just gonna be so bloody hot and sunny like in Phuket where Ben and I were sweating profusely and it was very, very UN-SEXY AND NOT ATTRACTIVE AT ALL. I was just dying there in my minimal clothing and I just wanted to to strip already because my clothes were stuck to me by the buckets of sweat and my hair was in an extremely unsightly bun and all I was thinking is Air-conditioning and a nice cold fruit juice. When in extreme situations, I do not crave alcohol at all. People always say enjoy a nice cold beer at the beach and I'm like ugh, beer, tastes too bad to be cooling! And not cocktail because it makes me warm after awhile and so fruit juice is the best because taste guaranteed plus it is actually cooling when you order COOLING FRUITS.

Hahaha reminds me of the three leg cooling water which tastes damn weird I don't like it and I don't know how water can be specially made to be cooling but it probably has scientific backing. And by scientific I mean electrolytes and all. Serious chemistry shit. I realize I don't consider bio to be a science because I think it's not very logical since you can always say human body has exceptions and life science is seriously...zzz. I prefer serious, proven science with numbers and laws and proofs.

Which may not be expected of my personality, considering my inclination to mess and disorder. I think I have no defined character traits and have too diverse interests, which is probably why I have a rather wide range of friends, and amongst them I cannot identify a common personality. And by this, I refer to my own persona, not theirs. Obviously all your friends are different and many people have different types of friends and some people actually consistently boast or emphasize this fact which annoys me. A lot. I think I have a problem which is that I get annoyed when somebody whom I view as not as good as me on a particular arena or skill or anything and everything overplays this characteristic, making it seem like he/she is super awesome at this. I mean well yes, granted, you could be reasonably good or even fantastic at this, and it is only natural for people to want to boast of their skills (for example, I still cannot get over small self wins like my deans lists and 40/40 physics mcq) but I don't go declaring these wins to other people unwarranted, neither do I go up to people obviously/conceivably better than me and embarrass myself or elicit an awkward, contrived response from them. Just doesn't make sense, no? So from this, I gather a few conclusions about myself and those around me:

1) They do not have such self-perceptions and views, I.e. they think it is alright to do what I feel is unnecessary. Perfect reasonable, but perfectly annoying to me.
2) In their eyes, I am not their comparable counterpart, I.e. I suck and I overvalue myself
3) I need to learn to not be so easily annoyed. Too many small things get to me and I need to learn to be more Zen and PEACE OUT VI.

With that ranting and self-evaluation done, I'm going to get back to work or watching Come Dine with Me. Stop being annoyed dear!!! Get a grip!